Isode Support
We welcome evaluations of our products and will make support resources available to you for the duration of your evaluation. Evaluations are available for Isode’s Messaging, XMPP, Directory, HF Radio and XML Guard products.

What do our evaluations provide?
We want to be sure that our products meet your requirements before you make a purchase, that's why we offer free evaluations on all our software. Our evaluations provide you with an 'Eval' licence of whatever software you are interested in, usually valid for 30 days but depending on your project requirement we can extend these on a case by case basis.
During your evaluation you will get access to the full product and every add-on feature that you would require for your live system so that you can carry out full checks and run any tests that you wish to. Our goal is to make sure you are happy and comfortable that our software is suitable for your needs before committing to a full version of our products.
While you are evaluating our products you will have access to our technical support team who will guide you through the setup of the software and be there throughout to answer any questions or queries that you might have.

What is the Evaluation process?
We know our software is quite technical but we work hard to ensure that, from start to finish, our evaluation process is as simple as possible.
Once you fill out the evaluation form, one of our team will be in touch with you to make sure that what you have chosen will meet all your project requirements. Depending on the complexity this might just be an email back and forth or a more technical discussion via video call.
After everyone is satisfied and happy that what you're about to download will fit your requirements you will be given access to our evaluation portal where you can install the products you need while our team provides you with the necessary eval licences.
Once you have everything installed and set-up you are good to go. We provide evaluation guides which give you scenarios to work through, or alternatively you can chose to test the software in your own way.
Whatever you chose to do, our support team will be on stand by to help you out should you have any questions or need assistance getting going.
Which product category are you interested in?
There are currently 2 Cross Domain Guards evaluations that are available
There are currently 2 Directory evaluations that are available

There are currently 4 HF Radio evaluations that are available
There are currently 6 Secure Messaging evaluations that are available
The diagram shows the system in place after all four evaluations have been completed.
There are currently 4 XMPP evaluations that are available
Available Evaluations
Setting up an XML Guard
Setting up an XMPP Gateway Server
Synchronising Directories
Setting up a Directory Server
Email for Constrained Network Environments
Role Configuration: Cobalt & Harrier
Harrier Military Messaging Client
SMTP/X.400 Message Conversion
Setting up an SMTP Email System
Setting up an X.400 Email System
Setting up an XMPP Gateway Server
XMPP for Constrained Network Environments
Connecting XMPP and IRC Chat Services
Setting up an XMPP System for 1:1 and Multi-User Chat
Ready to request an Evaluation?
Thankyou for considering Isode’s software products. To request an evaluation, please select the product(s) you are interested in, then fill out the enquiry form.