Whitepapers HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Extension Protocol Series

STANAG 5066 is a NATO Standard providing a link level service for HF Radio, the latest version is Edition 3 of December 2010. There are a number of issues with the current specification, particularly in relation to its use with the new Wideband HF (WBHF) specifications. NATO is aware of the need to update STANAG 5066 and has expressed intention to do so. The S5066-EP document series is intended to address the open issues prior to an official update and provides a set of extensions that can be used in conjunction with STANAG 5066 edition 3. The intent is that vendors and those procuring systems can reference these specifications, prior to this capability being available to NATO.

This document is an index of the STANAG 5066 Extension Protocol (S5066-EP) series. Following the ratification of STANAG 5066 Ed4, a number of the Extension Protocols have been incorporated into the S5066 Ed4 Annexs.

1. S5066-EP Series Goals

STANAG 5066 is a NATO Standard “PROFILE FOR HF RADIO DATA COMMUNICATIONS” providing a link level service for HF Radio. The latest version is Edition 4 of May 2022.

There are a number of issues with the current STANAG 5066 specification, particularly in relation to its use with the new Wideband HF (WBHF) specifications. NATO is aware of the need to update STANAG 5066 and has expressed intention to do so. The S5066-EP series is intended to address the open issues prior to STANAG 5066 official update.

This series of documents provides a set of extensions that can be used in conjunction with STANAG 5066 edition 3. The intent is that vendors and those procuring systems can reference these specifications, prior to this capability being available to NATO.

It is anticipated that this functionality will be folded into a future update of STANAG 5066 and at that point the series can be obsoleted.

Isode is managing the S5066-EP series and this index as a community service. The initial S5066-EP documents are written by Isode. Isode encourages other individuals, organizations and vendors to contribute documents to this series.

2. Exchange of Information on STANAG 5066 EPs

The STANAG 5066 are all published on this website and can be reached using the links in the table at the bottom of this document.

There is an open mailing list for discussion of current and new S5066-EPs: s5066-ep (at) isode.com. To join this list or manage your subscription, please send a message to s5066-ep-request (at) isode.com.

3. Document Requirements

S5066-EPs must be openly available specifications that NATO may incorporate into a future edition of STANAG 5066.  They must be free of IPR or Patent restrictions that would prevent this.

These specifications are intended for implementation and must provide sufficient clear information to be implemented in context of STANAG 5066 Ed.

S5066-EPs must have a status value which is one of:

  • Active: A specification that is still active in the latest edition of STANAG 5066.
  • Historical: A specification that has either been disgarded or incorporated in to an Annex from the latest edition of STANAG 5066. Where a document has been incorporated into a specific Annex, this will be indicated.

4. Index


Number Title Status Summary
S5066‑EP1 STANAG 5066 Extension Protocol Index N/A This Document
S5066-EP2 STANAG 5066 Padding DPDU Historical and incorporated into STANAD 5066 Ed4 Annex C New PDU to improve performance
S5066-EP3 Pipelining the CAS 1 Linking Protocol Historical Optimizes CAS-1, which is important for small data transfers in particular.
S5066-EP4 Data Rate Selection in STANAG 5066 for Autobaud Waveforms Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex C This document specifies an approach to
STANAG 5066 Data Rate Selection, to address some significant problems with
Data Rate Change in the current standard.
S5066-EP5 STANAG 5066 Large Window Support Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex C This specification addresses performance problems caused by window exhaustion which impacts WBHF and faster speeds for standard HF.
S5066-EP6 Slotted Option for STANAG 5066 Annex K Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex K This document specifies an a Slotted option for STANAG 5066 Annex K (CSMA Access) as an alternative to the Jitter approach specified.
S5066-EP7 Advertising Extended Capabilities Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex C This document specifies a mechanism for STANAG 5066 implementations to specify which STANAG 5066 Extensions (S5066-EP series) they support.
S5066-EP8 Block Based EOTs Active This document specifies a mechanism for using block count to determine end of transmission.
S5066-EP9 Compact Acknowledgement Historical This document specifies a mechanism for client acknowledgement of STANAG 5066 APDUs that improves efficiency and reliability of the current mechanism.
S5066‑EP10 Extension DPDU Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex C This document provides a framework for specifying future DPDUs.
S5066-EP11 Variable C_PDU Segment Size Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex C This document specifies a modification of STANAG 5066 to allow more flexibility in selection of C_PDU segment size. This enables performance improvements.
S5066-EP12 HF Wireless Token Ring Protocol Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex L This document set out a protocol to improve Annex L in STANAG 5066 Ed3, and was fully incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4.
S5066-EP13 STANAG 5066 Routing Sublayer Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex R This specification adds a routing layer so that STANAG 5066 SIS service can be provided across multiple subnets.
S5066-EP14 STANAG 5066 TRANSEC Crypto Layer using AES and other Protocols Historical and incorporated into STANAG 5066 Ed4 Annex T This document specifies the protocol for supporting a Crypto Layer between STANAG 5066 and Modem.
S5066-EP15 AES Key Distribution for TRANSEC and Half Loop Active This document specifies a mechanism for distributing AES keys, in support of STANAG 5066 TRANSEC Crypto Layer using AES and other Protocols.