
Find our selection of all of the product and market focused whitepapers published by Isode.

HF Radio

Not Using ALE For Frequency Selection

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HF Radio

IP Routing Over HF

This white paper looks at supporting IP routing over HF and introduces the HF Routing Information Protocol (HF-RIP). It starts……
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Cross Domain Guards

Guard Application Profiles

This page is an index of the XML Application Profiles for M-Guard, our XML based Cross-domain guard. The complete set……
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Security Label Capabilities in M-Switch Products

This whitepaper looks at how Isode’s M-Switch products can make use of Security Labels to perform Access Control and how……
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Building a Highly Replicated Directory: The case for X.500 DISP

This whitepaper looks at issues related to replication, when building a highly distributed and replicated directory. It argues that X.500……
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Creating and Managing a Security Label Policy

Security Labels are a key component of systems providing security, particularly for military and government use where they are used……
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Delivering the ATS Message Service to the End User using AMHS

AMHS (Air Traffic Services (ATS) Message Handling Services), as specified in the ICAO ATN (Aeronautical Telecommunications Network) SARPs, is the……
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Replication for Tactical Directory

Directory is an important component of Tactical Military operations. This paper looks at requirements for Tactical Directory, explains why there……
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Using Active Directory as Part of a Distributed Directory

There are many situations that require large distributed directories using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and/or X.500, such as Government,……
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ACP 133: The Military Directory Standard

ACP 133 is the NATO Standard for Military Directory: "Common Directory Services and Procedures". The current version is "Edition D",……
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X.400 Bridgehead for Microsoft Exchange: Technical Architecture and Back-end Features

X.400 Bridgehead for Microsoft Exchange ("X.400 Bridgehead") is a product from Boldon James, produced in collaboration with Isode. It's primary……
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Sending FLASH Messages Quickly: Techniques for Low Latency Message Switching and Precedence Handling

Military Messaging systems, and other messaging systems with time critical operational requirements such as Aviation (AMHS), require that high precedence……
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Password Policy for Directories

In this whitepaper we look at password policy for directories, its major capabilities, benefits, how it is integrated into other……
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Access Control using Security Labels & Security Clearance

Security Labels provide an important mechanism for controlling access to information in many high security environments, and are also useful……
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Using Security Labels for Directory Access Control and Replication Control

This paper looks at how Security Labels can be used to provide security and management benefits to directory services. It……
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Directory Replication by Email and over ‘Air Gap’

Directory replication is an important feature of most directory services, and is commonly achieved by use of directory protocols. There……
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Using Security Labels to Control Message Flow in XMPP Services

XMPP is widely used by military and government organizations with stringent security requirements, where it is critical to ensure that……
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File Transfer by Email

File Transfer by Email can be useful for moving data between systems when standard file or data transfer mechanisms are……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Performance Measurements over HF Radio

This whitepaper sets out the results of measurements done by Isode of STANAG 5066 over military HF Modems and emulated……
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HF Radio

Performance Measurements of Application using IP over HF Radio

This paper sets out the results of measurements made when running applications and layer protocols to support applications over IP……
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XMPP Boundary and Cross-Domain Protection

This whitepaper looks at approaches for checking XMPP (Internet Standard eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) traffic at organizational and other……
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Isode Support for Kerberos, Active Directory and Single Sign On

This paper looks at how Isode client and server products can make use of Kerberos authentication, in configurations where Isode……
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SCRAM: A New Protocol for Password Authentication

SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) is a protocol and data storage mechanism to support password based authentication. Isode was……
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Military Messaging (MMHS) over SMTP

This Whitepaper sets out how to provide Military Message Handling (MMHS) using the widely deployed SMTP family of protocols. It……
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M-Vault Failover & Disaster Recovery

This whitepaper looks at how Isode's M-Vault directory server provides failover capabilities in support of disaster recovery using a single……
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ACP145: Isode Support of International MMHS Gateways

ACP145 (Interim Implementation Guide for ACP 123/STANAG 4406 Messaging Services between Nations: ACP145(A)) is a specification from the CCEB (Australia,……
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Using Message Acknowledgements for Tracking, Correlation and Fire & Forget

This whitepaper looks at how tracking end to end message acknowledgements can improve service reliability for mission critical messaging. This……
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HF Radio

Using Flow Control and Timers in ACP 142 to provide Optimized Message Transfer of HF Radio

This whitepaper looks at message transfer over HF Radio, and looks at how the ACP 142 protocol can achieve optimal……
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Federated Multi-User Chat

XMPP (the Internet Standard eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) Multi-User Chat (MUC) is normally provided by a single server, with……
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Interconnecting XMPP and IRC

This whitepaper looks at how IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) text chat services can……
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Peering Controls in M-Link Edge

Peering controls are central to the difference between M-Link Edge and other products in the M-Link family. Peering controls can……
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ATN Directory Vision: An Infrastructure for Supporting AMHS and Ground to Ground Communication

This paper sets out the benefits of using an ATN Directory in support of AMHS and ground to ground messaging……
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Using SMTP to provide a STANAG 4406 Military Messaging Service

This whitepaper looks at how a STANAG 4406 Military Messaging Service that provides conformant STANAG 4406 protocol interoperability can also……
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S/MIME for Military and High Security Messaging

This whitepaper looks at the use of S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) to provide security for SMTP based Military Messaging……
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Testing STANAG 4406 Military Messaging over IP Differentiated Services

IP Differentiated Services (DiffServ) is a standardized Internet approach for dealing with different classes of traffic. Isode has added support……
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HF Radio

Optimising STANAG 5066 Parameter Settings for HF and WBHF

When using STANAG 5066 to communicate over HF Radio and Wide Band HF (WBHF), transmit speed and other parameters can……
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Using OCSP, LDAP & HTTP for Certificate Checking

When using digital signatures in secure applications, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is used to validate digital signatures with a sequence……
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Military Forms using XMPP

This whitepaper looks at the requirements for military forms and how XEP-0346 “Form Discovery and Publishing”(FDP) can be used to address these……
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Creating and Managing a Security Label Policy

Security Labels are a key component of systems providing security, particularly for military and government use where they are used……
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HF Radio

Measurements of Skywave HF Radio Intermediate Term Variation and Implications for Optimizing Link Performance

This whitepaper describes the results of Over The Air (OTA) HF Radio Skywave tests looking at the effects of Intermediate……
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M-Link Archive and Search

This whitepaper describes the new Archive capability in M-Link, and how it enables searching of archive data by end users……
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ACID Multi-Master Replication in M-Vault Directory

This whitepaper looks at the approach taken to supporting multi-master replication in the Isode M-Vault directory server product. The paper……
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Draft, Review and Release

Draft and Release is a process of handling formal military communication using a mix of paper and online communication. This……
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Providing XMPP Trunking with M-Link Peer Controls

Standard XMPP uses fully meshed federation for communication between servers. This whitepaper looks at scenarios where fully meshed communication has……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Extension Protocol Series

STANAG 5066 is a NATO Standard providing a link level service for HF Radio, the latest version is Edition 3……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Update Plan

NATO is putting in place a Program of Work to update STANAG 5066, this whitepaper sets out Isode’s thinking on……
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HF Radio

TDMA vs. Token Ring (Annex L) for STANAG 5066

Token Ring and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) are the primary choices for enabling multiple nodes to share an HF……
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HF Radio

Reducing Turnaround Times in STANAG 5066

Turnaround time in STANAG 5066 systems is generally measured in seconds or tens of seconds. This significantly impacts performance and……
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HF Radio

Operating XMPP over HF Radio and Constrained Networks

Radio and Satellite networks often have constrained bandwidth, high latency and difficult operational characteristics. HF Radio, which is the primary……
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HF Radio

ACP 142: SMTP & STANAG 4406 Messaging for Constrained Networks

ACP 142 is the best general purpose protocol for supporting messaging over constrained networks, with low bandwidth, poor link quality……
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HF Radio

Messaging Protocols for HF Radio

This white paper looks at different messaging protocols for use over HF Radio. HF Radio has awkward operational characteristics. It……
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HF Radio

Measuring Performance of Messaging Protocols for HF Radio

This white paper shares measurements of performance of selected HF Messaging Protocols: ACP 142, CFTP and SLEP. These protocols and……
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HF Radio

Naval XMPP Road Map

XMPP is an increasingly important communication technology for military communications, supporting real time group communication. Isode provides a military XMPP……
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HF Radio

Measurements of S5069 and S4539 waveforms with varying interleavers over a Channel Simulator

This whitepaper describes measurements of HF Modem transmissions over a channel simulator using Collins modems and simulator. It investigates the……
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HF Radio

Measuring and Analysing STANAG 5066 F.12 IP Client

STANAG 5066 Annex F Section 12 defines an IP Client specification. This is the only mandatory element of Annex F,……
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HF Radio

Using IP Crypto over HF

This whitepaper describes an approach to protect data using IP Crypto over HF communication. The approach described in this document……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066, STANAG 5070, and how to get a single HF Link Protocol

STANAG 5066 is the NATO standard for link level over HF. Thales/French MoD have proposed STANAG 5070 a new link……
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HF Radio

M-Guard: Isode’s XML Guard

M-Guard is a guard for checking XML content exchanged across network boundaries. M-Guard can act as an application-level data diode.……
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HF Radio

Measuring and Analysing HF-PEP for TCP communication and Web Browsing over HF

"HF-PEP: STANAG 5066 TCP Performance Enhancing Proxy Protocol" specifies a new protocol for efficiently running TCP over HF. This paper……
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Cross Domain Guards

XML Guard Application Profiles Overview

XML Guards, such as Isode’s M-Guard, provide cross-domain and red/black separation. This whitepaper looks at how Application Profiles are used……
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HF Radio

Isode’s XMPP Cross Domain Solution

Cross Domain is a term to indicate communication between two security domains where there is a need to control information……
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C2 Systems use of MTF and Messaging

This whitepaper considers how to support C2 (Command and Control) Systems and MTF (Message Text Format) protocols such as ADatP-3,……
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Isode OAuth

Isode have introduced authentication and authorization using OAuth into some of its Web products and providing an OAuth server as……
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HF Radio

HF Circuits: Automation & Evolution with STANAG 5066

Configuration and management of HF Radio systems commonly uses the term of “HF Circuit” which reflect an active sequence of……
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HF Radio

Red/Black Overview

This whitepaper gives an in-depth overview of Red/Black, which is a new Isode product that monitors and controls devices and……
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HF Radio

Wireless Token Ring Protocol (WTRP)

This whitepaper looks at the Wireless Token Ring Protocol (WTRP) specified in Annex L of STANAG 5066 to support multi-node……
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HF Radio

Supporting Mobile Unit mobility over multiple HF Networks using Icon-Topo

HF networks provide Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) coverage for thousands of miles, but a single HF network does not……
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HF Radio

Isode’s Military Messaging Handling Solution

This white paper gives an overview of Isode’s solution to provide Military Message Handling Systems (MMHS). It looks at the……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066: The Standard for Data Applications over HF Radio

STANAG 5066 is a NATO specification for running data applications over HF Radio. STANAG 5066 operates over an HF modem,……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Application Protocol Series

STANAG 5066 is a NATO Standard providing a link level service for HF Radio, the latest version is Edition 4……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Ed4

This whitepaper provides an overview of the change brought in with Ed4 of STANAG 5066, a NATO standard protocol for……
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Provisioning for Military Messaging Handling Systems

MMHS deployments require a variety of specialized components, which are described in this whitepaper, these components need to be provisioned……
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HF Radio

STANAG 5066 Ed5 Proposed Additions

This whitepaper proposes a number of additions that can be made to STANAG 5066 during the next edition.…
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HF Radio

XMPP Application Profile for use with XML Guard

This whitepaper specifies an Application Profile for use of XMPP with an XML Guard. It defines: 1. Schema for the……
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HF Radio

Using M-Link as a Reliable Distributed XMPP Service

This white paper looks at deployment of XMPP in a distributed environment and approaches to ensuring high reliability. It describes……
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HF Radio

Tactical Data Links: Potential Communication Enhancements

This white paper looks at Tactical Data Links; a key real-time military communication service, and ways to enhance them through……
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HF Radio

Isode’s Solution for BRASS (Broadcast and Ship to Shore)

BRASS (Broadcast and Ship to Shore) is an approach used by Navies, particularly in NATO countries, to communicate between Ships……
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HF Radio

Data Diodes and Semantic Checking at Secure Boundaries

This White Paper looks at using data diodes at secure boundaries, in particular cross domain and providing red/black separation.…
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HF Radio

Isode’s HF Vision & Products

This whitepaper gives a summary of Isode’s approach to providing products for HF radio, looking at current and future products……
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Military Messaging: Distribution and Profiling

This white paper looks at capabilities for distribution of messages to multiple recipients, which are used in Military Messaging but……
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HF Radio

Automating use of HF Directional Antennae for Mobile Unit Support with ALE and STANAG 5066

HF Directional Antennae can provide significantly better performance than omni-directional antennae. To use a Directional Antenna in support of a……
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HF Radio

Icon-TRANSEC: Providing AES Crypto for STANAG 5066

This white paper looks at Isode experience in providing AES TRANSEC level security for STANAG 5066. This work follows Annex……
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HF Radio

Managing SNMP Devices with Red/Black

Isode’s Red/Black product provides a flexible management capability, particularly oriented towards managing HF communications chains. Red/Black provides an SNMP (Simple……
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Whitepaper Licensing

Isode whitepapers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License